Мобилни Диесел Бензин Фуел Цубе Цистер Сале фор Аустралиа Србија
Конструкцијске карактеристике
Cube shape: This shape has more advantages in space utilization compared to other irregular shapes. It can be placed tightly in the cargo hold of a vehicle or other means of transport to reduce space waste. For example, in some transport fleets, cube-shaped fuel tanks can be neatly arranged on trailers for easy transportation and storage.
Material: Usually made of high-strength metal (such as steel). Metal fuel tanks are strong and can withstand certain external impacts and internal pressures.
vi користите
Mobile refueling equipment: It can be used as a fuel storage device for mobile refueling trucks. These mobile refueling trucks can provide fuel for vehicles, construction equipment, etc. in remote areas. For example, in some large construction sites, mobile diesel fuel tanks can move with the movement of construction equipment to ensure that equipment such as excavators and loaders are always supplied with fuel.
Emergency reserves: In some situations where fuel supply may be interrupted, such as natural disasters that cause gas stations to be unable to operate normally, this movable fuel tank can be used as an emergency reserve. Enterprises or communities can reserve a certain amount of diesel or gasoline to maintain the operation of key equipment (such as emergency generators).
Мере безбедности
Fire and explosion prevention: Since the fuel stored is flammable diesel and gasoline, it must be kept away from open flames and high temperature sources. Obvious fire prevention signs should be set up around the fuel tank, and smoking or operations that may produce sparks are prohibited nearby. For example, in places such as gas stations, there are strict safety regulations for the operation of mobile fuel tanks, including measures such as static elimination.
Leakage prevention: Check the sealing of the fuel tank regularly to prevent fuel leakage. Once a leak occurs, it will not only cause fuel waste, but may also cause fire or environmental pollution. During transportation, it is also necessary to ensure that the valves and interfaces of the fuel tank are firmly sealed.
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